Watermark of the Olympia legislative building with a rose


May Newsletter


Greetings, Woman’s Club of Olympia members and Friends. I hope you are out enjoying all of the beautiful weather and flowers in the great Pacific Northwest. I find I’m enjoying it so much more after 2 months in the “brown” desert of Yuma.

Great news…. The Woman’s Club of Olympia had an amazing Award Winning day on April 6th, as we hosted the 9 clubs of Peninsula District for their annual Conference. When I asked you all to turn in your hours for reports, you did, in spectacular numbers! When I asked that we dazzle the Peninsula District with great food, decorations and hospitality, you came through with Stars, and you are my Stars! Thank you so much for all your hard work! A special Thank You to the Chair of the Peninsula District
Meeting, Barbara Pugliese! She exceeded all expectations, and made the whole day a memorable experience for us all! Food, Decorations and the Raffle basket were outstanding!

Out of the 9 clubs of the Peninsula District, and of the 14 awards that were given that day, The Woman’s Club of Olympia won 7 of them. Awesome! That’s the best we’ve done in a very long time! Again, thank you. Now that we all know how to keep track of and turn in our hours lets keep it up with the new projects that are coming up soon. The May 4th date has many projects for us to help with. There will be a Plant Sale on the clubhouse front porch from 10 to 4. The Gull Harbor Art Show will have vendors inside the clubhouse with a Cupcake War. Come and bid on or buy the best cupcake! Or make a dozen of your own and see if you win, like Sandra did last year! Not to mention beautiful artwork of the vendors from 10 to 4. And down at Capital Lake, also May 4th, Paws for a Cause will be taking place and Woman’s Club
members not only support raising money to fight cancer, they will have a booth with our hand-outs so more people will be aware that Woman’s Club of Olympia is here and looking for new members.
Next meeting on May 7th will be the Luau, so come wearing your Hawaiian finest! The program will be PALS, so come and join our winning group of women at noon at the Woman’s Club of Olympia.
Thank you all for your continued support of me and all of our projects and donations over the last 2 years. As my term of office comes to a close, I am proud of you and all of our many accomplishments. We have made a difference in our community and I am so grateful to have you as my friends.
Sincerely Linda Wolfe, WCO President

General Membership
May 7, 2024
Program: PALS

May 8, 2024
Contact Us:
The Woman’s Club of Olympia
1002 Washington Street SE
Olympia, Washington 98501-1352
(360) 753-9921


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Abigail Stuart House-Woman’s Club of Olympia

Newsletter Editor:

The Woman’s Club of Olympia
May Issue 2024



The Woman’s Club of Olympia has collected 811 pairs of socks so far this year. Our members donated 584 pairs and we received 163 pairs from the Peninsula District Spring Conference attendees along with a $100 donation. Carol has been shopping at Kohl’s and purchased 64 pair of socks with the donated
money. She earned rewards and still has some cash left from the donation and will be adding to the collection of socks. Stay tuned!!

Ann Finn, our wonderful piano player, will be playing her original music during the Annual Arts Walk in
downtown Olympia. Ann will be playing piano at Childhood End Gallery on 4th Avenue on Saturday, April
27th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The Arts Walk is held on Friday and Saturday and if you attend any of the
festivities, be sure to turn your hours in under our Arts category.

The April meeting diaper drive was a success! We collected 741 diapers and 2 packages of wipes. Lance from Dry Tykes picked up the collection and was grateful for our efforts.

The first week of May each year is Teacher Appreciation Week. If you know a teacher, thank them for all
the work they do with the children in their class. WCO’s pen pals will be attending the June meeting so they can meet you and you can meet them in person.

Gloria Pardo will be initiated into The Woman’s Club of Olympia at our May meeting. Be sure to welcome her!

Over the last 2 months, we have initiated 3 new members into our organization! We welcome Sybil
Goodkin, Karin Davis and Selina Winner.

If you have plants you don’t want, can divide or start new ones, or if you have seeds you can start in pots, please bring them to the house before 10 a.m. on May 4th. We cannot accommodate deliveries the day before due to an event at the house. We will be having a fundraising plant sale on the front porch at the same time as the Gull Harbor Art Fair which will be held inside the house. We want to get as many plants as we can so please think about participating.

The State of Washington has 49 Community Partners with the Pajama Program. This Program distributes
pajamas and books to Community Partners who in turn give them to children in foster care, shelters, etc.
Anna McKinney is the state representative for the Pajama program and she announces that there is a
huge shortage in the State. The Woman’s Club of Olympia has collected pajamas for this program in the
past and they can be collected year round. If you see a sale on pajamas at the store and want to help,
purchase them and bring them to a meeting. Anna will collect them for the Program.
Anna is also planning a drive by and drop off public event for pajama collection in July and the
date will be announced.
Sibyl Goodkin Karin Davis Selina Winner

 Pop Tabs: Pop Tops from soda cans are still being collected for the Ronald McDonald House.
Save your tabs and bring them to a meeting.
 Bread Tags: You know those little plastic tags that come on your bread packages, collect them,
save them and bring them to a meeting. They will be donated to “Danielle Cares for Chairs” which
recycles the tags and purchases wheelchairs for children.
 Prescription Bottles: The prescription bottles we have been collecting will be counted and sent in
as our donation after the June meeting. We will start collecting again in September, so be sure to
save those bottles over the summer when we don’t meet.
All of these keep the items from being put in our landfills and go to a good cause. Be aware and recycle.

The Gull Harbor Art Fair will again be at The Woman’s Club on May 4th. In November we hosted them and they collected over $1,000 for us to send to Safeplace. This time, Relay for Life will receive the donation. If you can bake cupcakes, they will be having a cupcake sale and contest (this is how we got the $1,000). Cupcakes are judged and sold. The winner of the contest gets a gift certificate for the art fair. Bring your cupcakes before 10 a.m. on May 4th (we cannot accommodate deliveries the day before
due to an event at the house).

What an exciting time for our club. New officers will be initiated at the general meeting in May. Committees will form around the new leadership. I am so excited to work with Barbara Pugliese on
the House Committee and all those interested in joining us. I thank everyone who worked so hard to
maintain our clubhouse the years that I was chair. It takes everyone to keep our clubhouse in such great
condition. I am proud of our accomplishments.

If you’re like the majority of Americans, you probably reside with a four-legged friend, someone who purrs you awake on winter mornings or barks their joy when you jangle a leash. And if you’re like “Charlie” (a longtime anonymous Senior Services supporter), you like to make a difference for others when you can. Several years ago, Charlie learned about an urgent yet hidden need in our senior community: Many low-
income seniors cannot afford to pay for routine veterinary care, much less a pet emergency. They often put the needs of their pets ahead of their own, risking their own health and wellbeing. Learning about the
needs of low-income pet owners moved him. When offered the chance to make a difference, he made a
generous donation, and the PALS Fund was launched. Since that first gift, hundreds of pets have received
pet care. Learn about the PALS Fund on May 7th.


NEXT FEW MONTHS. Bring items to the club meeting and
they will be given to our partners.

May – Thurston County Food Bank Children’s (12 and under) Birthday Bags Collecting small new
toys that fit into a 13 x 5 bag.

June – Rochester Organization of Families (ROOF) Collecting soup, tuna, spam peanut butter,
cereal, jam/jelly, macaroni and cheese, oatmeal, cooking oil, chili, Rice a Roni, juice, canned beans,
canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, pasta, and other non-perishable food.

REPORTING – Mary Siddell
Remember, our club is collecting aluminum pop can tabs for funds to support Ronald McDonald Pand
drama events in our community. Send a note or email to msiddell@comcast.net.

Join Us

GFWC Avalon Woman’s Club

Membership Tea
May 11, 2024
1 to 3 p.m.

Mountain Greens Clubhouse
5280 – 55th Avenue SE

Ellen Wagner

Woman’s Club of Olympia General Membership Meeting

April 2, 2024

Meeting opened at 12:03 pm by President Linda Wolfe. Pledge of allegiance recited and collect read by
members and guests. 18 members in attendance and two guests from the League of Women Voters,
Susan Fiksdal, Voter Services and Darlene Hein, President.
Minutes: Motion by Ann Finn to approve minutes as written, seconded and approved.
Membership: Initiation of new member, Karin Davis. Welcome Karin.
Lunch provided by the Tea Committee Priscilla Quinton, Dody Saeger, Anita Quintana, Susan Herring,
Sandra Groves.
Program: The League of Women Voters Thurston County. For more information, please see the website:
https://www.lwvthurston.org/ Susan Fiksdal talked about getting people to vote and the campaign “Be a
Voter.” They attend local festivals and host panel discussions. Darlene Hein discussed the history and
structure of the league and how, though non-partisan, it will take a stand on issues that have been
Treasurer’s Report: Anna McKinney The full report was sent via email. So far five reservations in April
and three in May.
New Officers: All positions are filled except Secretary. Motion by Susan Herring to elect the new slate of
officers, seconded and passed.
House: We will schedule an inventory for the second floor kitchen. We will invite penpal student
participants to the May general meeting.
Arts and Culture: Dani sent Easter cards to all Roo Lan and Fieldstone. Thanks Dani!
Newsletter: Please send articles and information to Sandra Groves for inclusion in the newsletter.
Little Red School House sock project: Carol Valley We had 544 pairs and more came in today.
Evening Group: Linda Malanchuk-Finnan The March speaker was from the Coalition Against Trafficking
and focused on survivors and pulling all helping groups together.
New Business: Barbara Pugliese received the “New Clubwoman of the Year” award.
Luellen Charneski received the “Clubwoman of the Year” award. Congratulations Luellen and Barbara.
 April 6th Peninsula District Meeting
 May 3rd All Kids Win bagging
 May 4th Paws 4 A Cause walk to end cancer in people and pets

 May 4th Gull Harbor Art & Craft Show

 May 4th Plant Sale

Raffle: Collection $75, the winner took home $37.50.
Adjourn: 2:03pm

The Woman’s Club of Olympia
Evening Group Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2024

Members: Pat Booth, Lauren Rogers, Jen Minich, Linda Wolfe, Linda Malanchuk-Finnan
Guests: Maria Flores, Beth, Lindsey Lindholm (speaker and on All Kids Win board)
 Kelli Schuler stopped by and dropped off materials to Lindsey.
 Lindsey said that she is moved by those moms who struggle to feed their own children, and that
motivates her to do something.
 https://allkidswin.org/ is the website for All Kids Win. They accept donations and have a lot of
upcoming events. Tonight, members donated 7 cans and $5. Donations of tuna and chili are
always wanted.
 They are in 48 different schools. They have 37 delivery drivers. The need is increasing, and it’s really
needed in the Yelm area especially. Students pick up the bags from schools on Fridays, and the
program is just during the school year.
 The first Wed. of every month 1-3pm, the WCO club members pack applesauce at the Lacey
Umpqua Bank on Woodland Square Loop. Volunteers are welcome.
 $10.50/bag is the estimated value.
 There is a 5k fun run and walk in October. The website has all the events. There is an upcoming golf
event. There is a cool car show fundraiser, too. In June, there is a tea party – June 2nd at
WCO. We are making PBJ sandwiches. Volunteers are welcome – contact Linda Wolfe to
 The attendees of tonight’s meeting wrote note cards to students – words of encouragement.
 They are in 48 different schools. They have 37 delivery drivers.
 Maria presented her personal story. Tonight, a member made a donation.
 We could do a collaborative summer event like a BBQ or pancake breakfast to fundraise for
SafePlace. We could do Saturday, June 1st maybe – Jen will contact Kelli to look into getting the
house and starting work on something. No objections to looking into this idea.
 Another idea Beth brought up for a fundraiser is a holiday showcase of designers who design each
room differently. People pay to tour. This idea is worth considering!
Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Minich

All Kids Win Tea Party on Sunday, June 2nd, will be held at the Abigail Stuart House. Volunteers will be needed to assemble the PB&J sandwiches in the upstairs kitchen at 9:30 AM. We will also be in charge of the upstairs craft room were the kids can decorate a paper hat. If you have small bottles of glue, any kind of stickers or ribbon for hat decorations please bring them to the next WCO meeting… or contact Linda Wolfe at 360-491-7593

WCO participates in the Community Foundation non-profit donation program each year and receive a considerable donation from participants. The following event is being sponsored
by the Foundation:
The Community Foundation of South Puget Sound is pleased to announce our inaugural
Community Conversation event. As an organization dedicated to fostering collaboration, engagement, and inclusion, we strive to realize a vision where everyone in our region has the opportunity to thrive in
communities that are sustainable, equitable, and resilient.
In selecting our first Community Conversation theme, we were struck by the concerning
trend of increased polarization across our communities locally and nationally. This is why
we are thrilled to welcome Mónica Guzmán, a journalist and author dedicated to fostering
fearlessly curious conversations across divides to build understanding in dangerously
polarizing times.
Mónica Guzmán is a bridge builder, journalist, and entrepreneur who lives for great
conversations sparked by curious questions. A Senior Fellow for Public Practice at Braver
Angels, Mónica discusses her book I Never Thought of It That Way: How to Have
Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Dangerously Divided Times. Drawing from her
experiences with cross-partisan conversations, she shares strategies to better understand
and learn from people whose worldviews are different from or even opposed to yours.
Join community members from all around our region for a fireside chat with Mónica
Guzmán, joined by Renee Radcliff Sinclair, President and CEO of TVW and board member
of the Community Foundation. Together, we will explore Mónica’s experiences and
strategies for better understanding and learning from those with differing or even opposing
views. Then, join us for a reception after the event to connect with Mónica and others.
Date: May 22, 2024
Time: Doors Open at 6:30 pm | Event 7:00 pm
Location: Washington Center for the Performing Arts
Price: $25 Adults, $10 Youth/Students + Fees (If the ticket price is a barrier to entry, please
contact Community Foundation staff at 360.705.3340)
How to Purchase Your Ticket: Tickets are on sale now at the Washington Center’s

Due to your reporting of hours and our own Mary Siddell preparing our reports, the Woman’s Club of Olympia won the following categories of award certificates at the Peninsula District Spring Conference on April 6th:

 Communication and Public Relations
 Education and Libraries
 Fundraising
 Health and Wellness
 Legislation and Public Policy
 Membership
 Women’s History

We did really well! And Linda Wolfe accepted each of the awards!

ARTS & CULTURE: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

ENVIRONMENT: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

EDUCATION & LIBRARIES: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

COMMUNICATION & PR: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

LEADERSHIP: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

LEGISLATION & PUBLIC POLICY: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

WOMEN’S HISTORY: Hours_______ Monies_______ In Kind____________

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