Watermark of the Olympia legislative building with a rose


January 2024

President’s message

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, Woman’s Club members and Friends. I hope you all are
doing well and are looking forward to a wonderful new year.

This is a great time to sit down with a warm beverage and count up all the time (hours) that
you donated to help yourself (exercising, walking, pickleball, etc.) and your community, donating diapers,
socks, food. Don’t forget to put in the amount of money that you purchased those products under “In Kind”. Did you plant flowers or grow a garden? Count the hours under Conservation/ Beautification
(Environment) Did you recycle, reuse or repurpose items or collect plastic for the Trex bench? Report under Environment. Did you go to Art Walk, an Art Festival, and Play or the ballet? Count your hours
for Arts.

Those are just a few of the things that you can report on…. and I would really like you to think about, collect and send those hours to Mary Siddell..especially since the next Peninsula District meeting
(April 6, 2024) will be at our clubhouse. Wouldn’t it be great to see us winning awards in our own clubhouse…. in front of all our guests???? As your president, I KNOW that you all did wonderful
things in our community. You voted, delivered weekend food bags, bagged fruit, walked relays for cancer and Alzheimer’s, donated to food banks and worked at the food bank, you painted and baked treats, you made cement leaves, but if You don’t report your hours, even though you’ve done the work, we can’t earn the awards without You reporting your hours. Mary needs to have all the reports into the District and State by February 15th…. So please, please, please turn in all the hours of hard work and fun so Peninsula District members will know that Olympia is a great community to live in, because the Woman’s Club of Olympia is there.

I’m Proud of You All,

President Linda Wolfe

Read the rest of the newsletter here…

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