Watermark of the Olympia legislative building with a rose


February 2024

President’s message

President Linda Wolfe is on her way to Yuma, Arizona and will be returning in March. While she is away, and if you have questions or want to talk with her, she will have her phone with her on the journey and will have internet access while she is in Arizona. We wish her happy and safe trip.

Nominating committee

Katrina Wynkoop Simmons, Anita Quintana and Pat Keith have volunteered to serve on the nominating committee for officers of the next administration. If you are willing to serve as an officer or if you have a nomination, please contact one of these three members. The month of February will be dedicated to obtaining volunteers and their report to the general membership is due at the March meeting. Elections are held at the April meeting.

Scholarship report

The Scholarship Committee has contacted the schools, provided the application and criteria for the 2024 scholarships and is awaiting receipt of applications from students. At time of publishing this newsletter, they have received 6 scholarships.

Tea committee invites you

Come to the February 6th general meeting and enjoy time together and yummy refreshments. The Tea Committee will be providing an assortment of pies for your enjoyment, along with other choices to meet dietary preferences. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Mary, Anna and Dani

Mark your calendar for upcoming GFWC dates

  1. March 6, GFWC-WS Peninsula District Spring Board Meeting
  2. April 6 GFWC-WS Peninsula District Spring Conference
  3. April 18- 21, GFWC Washington State Spring Convention
  4. September 5-8, Western States Regional Conference

Read the rest of the newsletter here…

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