Watermark of the Olympia legislative building with a rose


December 2023

President’s message

Happy Thanksgiving, WCO Members and friends. We have been having some very
successful events. Thanks to all of you that have been participating with our club. With your
help, we will continue to be successful. At the last meeting we learned how to help
Quixote Villages with their successful program of getting people off the street.

Beth Dogolio dropped by to visit our newly refurbished clubhouse. She was one of the instrumental people to help get us the grant money. It was awesome that we could thank her in person with a
standing ovation.

The annual November Bazaar was fun and profitable. Thanks for all your yummy baked goods. We sold out, no half priced sales this year! Our greeters did well at promoting our club and selling those
raffle tickets. Thank you everyone!

Let’s take that energy to our next event, Santa’s Breakfast on December 9th. We need lots of tickets sold to make this event profitable. Tell all your friends…. and sell those tickets! See Sandra or Anna for tickets.

Give Local is happening and WCO on their list for donations. I gave, I hope you did too. December (5th @12 noon) is my favorite meeting. We have the Christmas Potluck Luncheon and the Olympia Choir is coming to sing for us. They are always awesome. Also we’ll hear from the Random Acts of Kindness group.

Christmas decorating at the clubhouse will be held when I get back from Thanksgiving in Iowa with my
son’s family, on November 29 at 10:30. We can go out to lunch as a group afterwards!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday.

Linda Wolfe

Read the rest of the newsletter here…

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